YAXS: 2TonGorilla in USA Today Tech_Space

Posted by: TongoOn 2006/4/15 9:41:54 4779 reads
There's a whole lotta boogie in the 2TonGorilla jungle following this blog from Angela Gunn in USA Today's Tech_Space. To wit:

"Great thanks to Ubersurfer for sending this one along: Two-Ton Gorilla, a shiny new portal for links to all the tech / geek info you crave. Some smart grouping and source choices here -- I like the good collection of support links, the software and hardware set's well chosen, and they've got the latest fun stuff from the likes of Snopes and w00t too.

Interestingly, their front-page headline-feed choices map almost perfectly to my early-morning reads: Computerworld (yes, well, I do work there after all, behooves me to check in etc.), Wired, Slashdot and The Register. They've also got a nice selection of additional RSS feeds at your disposal -- including, to my surprise and delight, one for this blog. I feel very much at home, and the fact that something about that gorilla cracks me up is a real plus. Good stuff."

We are so humbled. Stoked, too! Thanks, Angela.
