Modules: Troubleshooting the "Could not insert forum post" error in Xoops

Posted by: brashOn 2006/3/7 0:20:00 7211 reads
I've seen the "Could not insert forum post" error reported on the Xoops forums quite a few times over the years, but never gave it too much thought as I had never experienced the problem myself first hand and the number of reported cases where still relatively small compared to the number of people using the NewBB/CBB forums. Last week however that changed, and I started getting the "Could not insert forum post" error upon submitting any post to my forums. At first I checked my firewall settings to ensure HTTP_REFERRER information was not being blocked, and then performed a CHECK and REPAIR on the Xoops MySQL database as I had seen suggested in the forums. Unfortunately neither of these solved the problem which meant I had to go digging, the results of which I wrote into an article called Troubleshooting the "Could not insert forum post" error in Xoops.