YAXS: xoops -+site of the month january 2006+- is OPEN NOW

Posted by: studioCOn 2006/2/1 19:33:24 5838 reads
Resized ImageThe first voting for this year is ready to start. Screens and voting form for month January 2006 are online and you can begin to review the nominated sites. From today on you have 3 weeks time until 23th february to choose your favourite and submit the voting form.

I’m planning to restructure the voting organisation in the future to have different categories like eg. community sites - private and commercial sites as it is obvious that sites with a big community have more voices. This way, each category will have its own winner.

Dunno, when this could be realised, but it is planned as soon as possible.

Nominated Sites:
January nominations

Voting form:

Thanks for comments and feedback!