Modules: Google Maps Module v0.3

Posted by: PhatblokeOn 2006/2/1 18:30:00 15452 reads
Well after heaps of bug fixing (of which included v0.2) I believe I am now ready for V0.3. I have had a major tidy up and things should display a lot better and hopefully with no bugs this time.

Download Here

Please let me know if you find any with as much of an explaination of what when wrong as possible.

Hopefully this module will be easy enough for all to use.
It has been made so that i can plot my travels around the world on my website for all to see
and have an easy way to input new locations.

1. Just unpack and upload to modules directory as usual
2. Install in module administration
3. Configure module in prefs
4. Obtain an api for your site from google. Link is given in the config page.
5. Add your categories and points from the module menu.

-The first category will be the default display for the map. This can be changed by re-ordering the categories.
-Images and links can be added in the markers using the xoops text input as usual.
-Polylines link together the markers

Have fun with it. I will appreciate suggestions and improvements although this is a fun side project so
development wont be too fast.

Change log

Version 0.3
-Added dynamic menu system for categories
-Added first category as default display
-Added ordering for points
-Fixed some language issues
-Fixed up admin area templates
-Fixed polyline displaying

Version 0.2
-Fixed issue with IE

Version 0.1
-First release