Modules: Get modules compatible with XOOPS 2.0, 2.2, 2.3

Posted by: phpppOn 2006/1/29 22:45:57 10023 reads
XOOPS is approaching a next generation of web CMS - XooSphere. During the procedure, we have a couple of intermediate releases, including XOOPS 2.013, 2.2*, 2.3 and so on. It is good for users to get know of some features they are expecting before the final XooSphere comes out, however, the modules for various release of XOOPS causes troubles to XOOPS users and module developers. Hereby we are doing our best to make a package of modules provided by compatible with all active XOOPS releases: XOOPS 2.013, XOOPS 2.2*, XOOPS 2.3

Details: Readme | Discussion

Download: The Package

Update: the package is updated on Feb 1st 2006 with some changes. One of the big changes is WordPress 2.01 release

Look forward to XOOPS 2.0 testers.

Package Structure
1. Frameworks
* art: basic object/handler
* xoops22: classes/functions from XOOPS 2.2*
2. modules: module list

Module List
1. Article, version 0.80 (1.0 alpha 4), status alpha
2. CBB, version 3.0, status RC
3. dokuwiki, version 2.0, status RC
4. planet, version 2.0, status RC
5. wordpress, version 2.0, status RC
6. xlanguage, version 3.0, status RC
7. xmline, version 2.0, status RC

1. Unzip the package in an empty directory
2. Upload Frameworks to your XOOPS root folder (Frameworks/xoops22 is not used by XOOPS 2.2*)
3. Upload modules under modules to your XOOPS modules folder
4. Install or update each modules as usual

All feedbacks could be sent to or XoopsForge.