YAXS: Spiritual Oneness

Posted by: wizandaOn 2006/1/21 11:34:12 6422 reads
After over the last year or so, having so many problems with using to much of my servers resources and having to move servers a couple of times; I split my site in to 2.

So now all the information is in one place and all the forum, chat and things that are regularly used on another.

At some point I need to make the two sites one, yet for now it has to be this way; untill it is on a dedicated server of its own.

So introducing
Spiritual Oneness

This is running Xoops and CBB 1.16a, most of the modules have had odd fixes in them, especially when it comes to being W3C compliant. If you have any questions please ask.

The site that has been here since the beginning
Finding One True Faith

The amount of improvement I have made lately is staggering, so if you haven’t looked at the sites lately, come and have a look.

The whole layout has changed and the themes have been changed a lot.

Please tell me, if you have any ideas?