Modules: iSearch version 1.2

Posted by: hervetOn 2005/12/27 18:25:48 7819 reads
iSearch version 1.2

This new version only brings modifications in the administrative part of the module.
In the statistics, two new links appeared.
With the first link, you can remove keywords (without using the purge) and the second link
will enable you to put words in a blacklist.
All words in this blacklist will not be recorded in the module's "database" when they will
be used in the Xoops search.

You can download the module here

The french and english translations were modified, templates did not changed.
You will find a file called lang.diff in the module's archive to know what changed in the translations.

Download the module, copy it on you website, go in the Xoops modules manager and update the module.
