YAXS: XOOPS got antivirus!

Posted by: FeneexOn 2005/12/24 19:26:04 8174 reads
Resized Image Presenting for all Xoops'ers review new site of distributors of F-Prot Antivirus products in Lithuania.

Purpose: to present those simple yet effective products with the clean and clear web site.

Modules used: News, WF-Channel, MyPage, ~100 lines of custom PHP code. That's all.

Site design and functionality had to be within the general F-Prot guidelines - but the more original parts were heavilly influenced by Aston, 7dana themes... With the new sites promise a bit more of original design

SEO: very basic easy implement tricks found in xoops.org forums.

So, have comments? Post them below. Got viruses in your machine - download anti-virus trial versions now (basic knowledge of lithuanian needed )!!!