Modules: Marquee version 2.0 Alpha 1

Posted by: hervetOn 2005/12/20 18:30:15 8176 reads
The Xoops Marque module was released in version 2.0 Alpha 1.
Alpha means that all the module's functionnalities are not finished and that you don't have to use it on a production site. The code and the functionnalities in the next versions will change.

Marquee is a module wich enable you to give "weight" to some information by placing it in a scrolling block whose content will scroll horizontally or vertically.

The great enhancement of this version it's the possibility to extract content from other modules.

On the form of plugins (in fact Php scripts), you can, for this moment, extract content from the News module, from the Xoops comments, from the Newbb module (version 1 & 2), from Mylinks, from Mydownloads and from xoopspoll.
Some plugins for other modules (like catAds for example) will be soon available.

In the new functionnalities, you can note :
- the possibility to use kiovi
- the module detects spider robots to present them a content they can read
- you can use on the fly blocks. It means that you can create as many blocks as you want.
- when you select to use a module's content, you can select the number of elements to return and the titles length.

The definitive version will enable you to use the (non standard) html tag marquee wich is already used or a javascript version to be compatible with more browsers. This is not already made but I'm working on it.

You can download the module here
Please note, I recommend you to uninstall any older version, if you want to test this new one, before to install this.

Module is available in french, english, german and chinese.
