YAXS: Dutch Dobermann Assocation switches to Xoops

Posted by: WatdehekOn 2005/12/11 21:32:09 7840 reads
After a year of working on the new Xoops site the Dutch Dobermann Assocation is proud to announce that today the site went live.

The site is an active community and one of the largest Dobermann resources in the world. 1200 members, 900 news articles and 19000 forum messages were converted from MyPHPNuke to Xoops.

The pedigree database script was rewritten to a Xoops module. This project that now has 125772 Dobermann pedigrees has been made to give a better picture of the Dobermann race.

By connecting these 125772 pedigrees together one giant pedigree is created with dobermann's from around the world.

It is possible to calculate the coefficients of Kinship, Relationship and Inbreeding of any dog very accuratly. Using such tools has shown this pedigree database to be an extremly valuable resource of information used by breeders and enthousiasts.

By using XLanguage the site is multilangual as far as navigation and modules concerns.

The theme used is a heavily modified Imago06 theme.