YAXS: New look of XOOPS sites - "Artezian for you"

Posted by: LazyBadgerOn 2005/11/29 19:21:14 6073 reads
After week of hard, but useful and productive work with designer Demiurge Ash (hey, he is really Demiurge) I'm very proud to present new site of Artesian archaelogical expedition
Yes, it's still old good XOOPS, but it allowed me to implement flexible, uncommon design, created without the caution to the possible limitations from CMS-side
Mostly based on intensive usage of TinyD (which, which bundled SPAW-editor, solved most problems of maintaining site for non-technically oriented customer), site is live now, but, as any Art, it's permanent beta in the evolution.

Sorry, content is (except photos) in Russian only, but I hope, you'll like look of site

Artesian - impossible becomes the reality