Modules: XOOPContact v1.5 for XOOPS 2.2.X

Posted by: seventhsealOn 2005/11/27 6:06:37 8076 reads
The first question that always comes to mind when someone see's a module like this is - Why?

For starters, there are many other versions of a Contact Us module out there - but guess what, none of them did what I needed, or the client I wrote this for. As with any module XOOPS@IBDeeming! puts out, I always find more options and configs that can be added. I think I have stretched this one out, and really expect it will meet most any need out there! Whew - now check this out...

Contact V1.5 - Based on the original by Skalpa - but nothing like it anymore!

Contact v1.5 has many new features, so many that it doesn't really look like the original. First off, there are Settings and General configs that can be applied to the Contact module.


Send Confirmation Switch - Basically allows the user to copy themselves on correspondence to you of your department (more on that). 
Collect ICQ on or off 
Collect URL on or off 
Collect Company on or off 
Collect Location on or off 
Collect Address on or off 
Add Security Check Security graphic know whyIt's really easy to SPAM your site with Contact emails, this will help deter 
    *Sitekey definition - allows you to seed granularity 
  * Redirect Timeout - Allows you to set how long the redirect page is shown to the user 
  * Validate Domain - Allows you to actually "deep-scan" the domain and tld for validity 


  * Intorduction - You can turn it on, set the heading, and the text displayed. This is great for businesses that want to show off their SNAIL address and phone numbers 
  * Contact heading - What is your form called? 
  * Thank You message - what your user sees 
  * Department Definition - this is cool! Basically you can set up departments and have them assigned to dirfferent email addresses than just the site admin. 
  * More Info - Have you ever seen those commercial contact pages where you can select from various topics to get more info? Now you can do it too!

So, How do I install Contact?

It's really simple!

1. Deactivate your current Contact module
2. Uninstall the current Contact module
3. Copy Contact v1.5 top your modules directory, overwrite all files!
4. Install Contact v1.5
5. Verify your Setting and General sections of Contact from the Admin screen
6. Done!

Get Your Copy of XOOPContact today!