Modules: kig = install.php generator

Posted by: kyexOn 2002/5/26 14:10:40 5185 reads
kyex install.php generator is a module made to help developer to create "easy to install" modules

This admin module help you to create an install.php file for your modules.
Originally I wrote an install.php file for my TV module, and I modify it for my next module.
But I didn't want to modify the same install.php each time I wrote a module.
So, I wrote kig and used it for my webring module.

Characteristics of generated install.php:
-create tables
-insert values in tables
-use $xoopsDB->prefix
-multi languages

You can download this module here.
This is the first public release of kig, so any comment is welcome, thanks.
And help is needed to make good language files
