YAXS: SIPIE - International Society of Inquiry Research Professionals

Posted by: nachenkoOn 2005/11/8 22:19:08 5093 reads
Look what you can do with just three modules: WF-Channel, WF-Sections and News 1.4. News is used to store the volumes of an online and offline publication about Inquiry Research.


The most interesting thing is that users can send articles to be evaluated for publication.
The "submit" form had to be a bit hacked: i had to create a "registered user version" and a "webmaster version" (it's very easy). This could be done because of the News 1.4 permission system, probably one of he best things this module has.

Once an article is approved, the reviewer moves it to the "approved" category, then, when we release a new issue, we just rename "Approved" to "Volume ? Number ?" and change the permissions system.

Changing the header of the page was done using a small PHP script into the theme.html file that reads the URL and looks for the string "/news/".