Modules: MyAnnonces has just left

Posted by: pascalOn 2002/5/23 1:39:55 5035 reads
The first version of MyAnnonces has just left... a classified ads for Xoops RC2 it's relatively complete...:
- Addition of advertisements (members and anonymous)
- Moderation classifieds
- Moderation of the modifs of classifieds
- Addition of one photograph by classified
- Classification by categories
- automatic deletion of the classifieds after X days
- Block 2 functions: 1 classified randomly or 10 last classifieds

but not long speech, test it...

This module is available in the download section ("Telechargement" in french) = > Xoops 1.0 RC2 = > Modules at Xoops Tests et Modules

for the moment, this modules is only on french but if somebody want to translate in english or in others languages...

thank in advance