Themes: Linesweb.Xoops is come back ! Xoops Themes

Posted by: FlorianlOn 2005/10/29 19:35:33 6258 reads
Resized ImageA few weeks ago, Crazyman of French communauty, announced us the closing of of Linesweb.Xoops.

For those who never heared about Linesweb.Xoops, they offered you to download Xoops 2 themes created by its team for free.
Today, Desoude and myself, both members of the passed team, are proud to announce that this team is back in the Xoops community under the name of Xoops-Design !

While we are offering you this information we would also like to announce
that we are looking for people to join our modest team so we can offer more
themes to our visitors. For more informations go here..


Please note that we will not accept any more custom design request (Themes
created specifically for one site).

We are hoping the Xoops-Design return will satisfy you and evrything will be

Cordially yours, the webmasters.