Modules: New Sections Functionality?

Posted by: jstarkweatherOn 2002/5/20 9:39:24 4306 reads
I recently finished my next-gen hack of the Sections module for my PostNuke site, I am posting this story to Xoops as I like the direction you guys are intending to go in, visa vie the incorporation of more modules as part of the Xoops core.

Perhaps my work will give you some ideas, or spur some positive discussion. The primary reason I took this project on was that my site uses the Sections module for all our in-depth feature stories. We also utilize multiple languages on the site and the existing module is not really language friendly. The majority of this design is dynamic but their was one area (the sections list on the first page) that was written out in HTML. This allowed me more customization with the order and grouping of the different sections.

You can link directly to the new Features/Sections module here.

I appriciate that there are users who will want to mimick this functionality on their CMS/Nuke driven site. This project was never written for porting out as a regular module. If anyone is interested I can pass on the affected files and note the changes I made to the core tables, etc. But beyond that I cannot provide much more with my current workload. Thanks - Jim