YAXS: Cooking-Board.com - A Culinary Community

Posted by: gestroudOn 2005/7/16 9:20:47 5372 reads
[b]I'm pleased to announce the opening of Cooking-Board.com, a culinary community for international recipes and a growing archive of tips & tricks for everyone interested in the cooking craft.

Cooking-Board.com is based around sbruchet's excellent Recette module, and the eye-catching Chitenay theme created by Latelier12.

The site also utilizes the MyReviews module for Cookbook review, as well as glossaire, myalbum, and a few other handy modules created by fellow XOOPSers.

A note to anyone who wishes to utilize the Recette module: This module cannot presently be used with XOOPS' news module installed on your site. If you're going to feature articles, I would suggest using AMS, which has been pretty stable so far except for the problem with smart quotes and seeing a million //// before every quotation mark.