Themes: LOTR Tribute Theme v2

Posted by: JMorrisOn 2005/7/7 5:24:05 7916 reads
There is the revised version of the Lord of the Rings Tribute Theme at MyWebResource. This is a much more refined version of my original work. I've fixed a LOT of bugs that I've discovered since the original release. If you liked the first LOTR theme, you're going to love v2! You can view a live version of the theme on by selecting lotr from the themes block.

Download LOTR v2 from MyWebResource

NOTE: I cannot guarantee that this theme will work with all modules. Some module developers insist on coding presentation elements in their templates instead of calling the default XOOPS CSS classes. You may have to clone and edit your templates to get everything to look just right.


Remove gradient background image from th tag
Set the background image as fixed and non-repeating
Fixed several CSS issues that made content hard to read
Added an animated .gif that incorporates all three headers
Added <{$xoops_footer}> to the bottom of the center column
Fixed the html in theme.html that referenced the default theme