Modules: TimesheetXoops v1.2.2 Released

Posted by: dkeirOn 2005/6/26 13:41:18 4389 reads
The latest release of TimesheetXoops, v 1.2.2, is now available for download from TimesheetXoops on SourceForge. This release has some minor but very useful additions.

New Features in v1.2.2
- Xoops Admin Section - This allows users to specify the Xoops Groups that can access the admin screens (Projects, Clients, Reports etc)
- Multilingual - Screens can now be translated into different languages
- Minor bug fixes and tidyup - calendar.php replaced with index.php with no more 'Please click to enter'

Standard TimesheetXoops Features
- User, Client, Project, and Task Management
- Calendar view of work, grouped by project or all projects
- Monthly, weekly or daily views of work
- The ability to customise look and feel
- Work periods spanning multiple days
- Automatic calculation of invoices
- Manual Clock-on/Clock-off maintenance
- Administrator views and reporting
- Simple weekly timesheet entry mode