YAXS: Two new Xoops sites!

Posted by: mattaOn 2002/4/10 22:37:16 4421 reads
Hi. I have recently gone live with two sites based on Xoops. The first is BoliviaHoy.com, a redesign of the spanish language portal for Bolivia and the country's most popular meta-news site.

The other is Arkanoid.com, devoted to the many diferent versions of this Breakout-like game. Both sites contain modifications to the Xoops script, and the second site in particular contains some interesting hacks, including a simple method for replacing text headers with graphics for the side-bar blocks. I would be happy to clean up and share these hacks if there is enough interest. Thanks for the great open source code and special thanks to w4z004 for all his help getting up and running.