Modules: WF-Downloads Image Packs

Posted by: xpiderOn 2005/3/14 16:55:52 7206 reads
This is an add-on image pack for wf-downloads.

There are 2 image packs in this zip file...

First is the wfddisks01 folder: this is a revised set for the original.

fixed: revised translucent empty folder disk so that is truly transparent.
added: revised delete, edit and approve icons for admin
added: revised review icon
added: revised rating icons... they look much better now.
added: revised new, popular and updated icons.

Second Folder wfdfolders01:
Created: new folder icons and download animation.
Created: new set of ratings icons...
The following are the same as the revised..
added: revised delete, edit and approve icons for admin
added: revised review icon
added: revised new, popular and updated icons.

Please read the readme.text file that is also located in the zip file...

Download at: WF-Projects

file name: wfdipaks031305

I hope you like them,