Modules: Netquery 2.4 Adds "Sniffer" Options

Posted by: RVirtueOn 2005/3/12 8:56:20 4656 reads
NEW in Netquery Version 2.4
Client Info Display Options!
See it HERE! Download it HERE! Discuss it HERE!

Version 2.4 of Netquery, the complete PHP/SQL open-source toolkit of network information utilities, adds new client "sniffer" info display options for both the main interface and CMS side blocks. For international sites, this version also includes an administrator selection to set the default whois TLD and its translatable "vocabulary" has been extended to the full administrative interface. Other improvements are primarily coding refinements to ensure compliance with current CMS API standards. Some data tables have been consolidated or replaced entirely by CMS API configuration options. Amongst other considerations, these changes should better facilitate version updates, especially in the case of the Xoops edition.

Resized ImageNetquery's current major features include:
- client "sniffer" with log & display options,
- multidomain & IP/AS whois lookups,
- DNS and Dig (ANY, SOA, NS, MX) queries,
- email address format & MX validation,
- port services & exploits lookup & status,
- HTTP HEAD and GET requests,
- ICMP pings (local and/or remote),
- traceroutes (local and/or remote),
- looking glass router interrogation,
- whois TLD server autodiscovery, and
- user submissions with admin notice & approval.

The administrator can enable or disable each feature individually and can configure local execution and/or a remote server script for the ping and traceroute features. The administrator can also edit all of the data tables used by the whois, port services and looking glass features and can allow site users to submit port services and exploits information for acceptance. Major data tables can be downloaded and updated independently of the module itself.

For additional details, please see the Netquery Manual or go to the VIRtech Forums for discussion and answers. Comments may also be posted under the Dev.Xoops Project.