Themes: ColorXoops Theme !

Posted by: shivajiOn 2005/3/9 19:15:40 13957 reads
ColorXoops by Anblik Web Design Company


- Color is considered one of the most useful and powerful design tools we have. People respond to different colors in different ways, and these responses take place on a subconscious, emotional level. Anblik Web Design Company will create series of themes for XOOPS CMS based on all 10 colors given below.

- Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Green, Purple, Gray, Brown, White, Black

- Green is my favorite color, so, I have decided to start ColorXoops series with Green, and named it GreenXoops....

- As you might have seen on the ColorXoops website, modules like news, articles, downloads, section, forum, and others are given only to show how it will look if you apply GreenXoops theme. If you wish, you can use Forum, but everything written in ColorXoops website is only for demonstration purpose and to release themes to public.



- Fixed Width Template (783px)
- 2 or 3 column layout.
- Top Header will remain same throughout website whether you use 2 or 3 column layout.
- Search and Login : This two core block is hacked directly into theme. So this two is always visible/fixed at top.
- CSS and XHTML 1.0 validated. Flash is bit tricky here only to get it validated from W3C and supports IE, Netscape, FireFox.
- FLA File with preloader script included in /modify folder for adding your own Flash Header.


- Unzip your downloaded theme. Upload it to the directory: root/themes/
- Go to your admin/system admin/preferences, click 'general settings'.
- Here you can set the setting of your:(8th row) Default theme to "your theme of choice".
- Modify .FLA file from /modify folder.


- Before asking question, visit
- For Flash Validation you may require help of


Check out ColorXoops website at


Download your copy from


Rajib, Shivaji

Your suggestions on how to make it better are appreciated.

Anblik Web Design Company