YAXS: XOOPS Bulgaria

Posted by: ilivanovOn 2005/3/7 15:58:22 5020 reads
We are small team of few volunteers, and before few months we opened site, to help Bulgarian users, to promote XOOPS, translation of XOOPS and 3rd party modules etc.We have usefull information and support forums.

Some of our goals in XOOPS Bulgaria are:
*** Support Bulgarian XOOPS users and solve their problems in public forums;
*** Promote XOOPS CMS
*** Local mirror of XOOPS Core, modules and themes
*** Provide step by step manual, what for can be used XOOPS, and how to upgrade our current sites to XOOPS.
*** To maintain all translated modules for XOOPS, up to date.

At the moment we are works on few 3rd party modules, such as MyAlbum-P 2.84, SmartFAQ and when SmartFactory released their final versions of Sections, Partners and Clients to create for them too.

Current goals for the support group are:

*** Finish the Windows-1251 translation of XOOPS (Administrative section)
*** To start the phase building for SMF bridge
*** To modify XOOPS-ML 1.4.4 to work for UTF-8 charset
*** To convert Church Callendar from PHPNuke 6.5 to XOOPS
*** and more will come for future ...

The official site link is here - XOOPS Bulgaria

(At the moment we creating own server, powered by Gentoo Linux, and soon when tests is finished the site will be moved.)