YAXS: "Share your Ideas" site up and running with Xoops

Posted by: chaymationOn 2005/1/9 12:41:45 4128 reads
This is a new site that I've just started up, giving anyone the opportunity to share their ideas (for anything!) with a wider audience.


From a better design for safety pins, to a solution to world hunger, and anything in between. So far there are only a few posts, things such as "Improving Bus Timetables", "Longer Lasting White Goods" and "eBooks"
But the more users we get, the more varied the content will be, as the content is all from the users and their personal ideas for the world.

It's hoped that lots of people will join and share their ideas, comments, suggestions, links and assistance. Maybe get a really good community going, and perhaps even get some of these ideas off the ground, or at least find out what is going on in that field right now.

Everyone is welcome! The more, the merrier!