Modules: PORTMAN ~ Server status monitor

Posted by: carnukeOn 2004/12/21 0:07:26 8698 reads
Resized ImagePORTMAN- A small utility for Xoops to check and display server port status as follows:

HTTP port=80 Open/closed
FTP port=21 Open/closed
MySql port=3306 Open/closed
POP3 port=110 Open/closed
SMTP port=25 Open/closed
SSH port=22 Open/closed


The Server Status block will display icons for the above server port functions. (hover over icon to identify) Green UP arrows indicate ports open and online. Red DOWN arrors indicate port closed and offline. These change automatically when detected. If your site is down or you can't reach it, simply call to display current status page outside of the site iframe. (that's why it's not a module)

Portman server status script can be downloaded from HERE

DEMO. see


1- Configure ./portman/index.php by replacing your site URL after $hostname and in the table.
2- Upload folder 'portman' to the root of your xoops site. Other destinations are possible but will require changes to the iframe code.
3- In your xoops Site/admin/blocks/ create a custom html block with the following code insert:


4- Name block 'Server Status' or whatever you want.
5- Position and permission block as usual.
6- Depending on your theme and length of site name(s) monitored, iframe size may need adjusting (minimum width=110px)
7- If you are displaying multiple sites, increase iframe height as required.
8- To monitor all the ports you must only select sites and sub-sites on your own server.
9- Portman utility can be installed on a non xoops website, by replacing