Themes: artday style

Posted by: seijiOn 2004/9/22 15:23:25 8753 reads

I made a new theme for artday network site that I run.

Please take a look and feel free to use it if you like it.

* The menu bar placed on the top corner contains the links of the user menu
such as YourAccount, Notifications, Inbox, admin and Log-out.

* A notification window will pop out when a user receives private messages.
(I have used Ryuji AMANO's ex_assign.php from )

* By entering "none" at the end of the block titles, those titles will be hidden.
(I have used the hack in at )

artday style Download

What is artday?
artday is a worldwide celebration of art scheduled to take place each year on the second day of July. Why July 2nd? Because it's at the very center of the year just as art is at the very center of the word "earth" as well as a central element in so many events in our lives.(Another neat trick: take the "h" in earth and put it up front and what do you get? Heart! Art's gotta have heart!
Art's in our hearts?) The creators of artday, the artday network, are dedicated to democratic principles and faithfully ignore all differences in age, sex, race, religion and nationality.