YAXS: TravelFolios! www.travelfolios.com

Posted by: LuminosityOn 2004/9/16 4:58:42 4262 reads
Xoops and MyAlbum-P have been an important resource in the development of my site. I give great thanks to the developers and communities behind both projects!


The web site is called TravelFolios! and combines a photo album with a travel journal. There is a global directory that is searchable and is organized by country, so members' submissions are added to the community.

The idea is for people to share their travel experiences with others in an easy-to-use environment with photos and stories that tell the story behind their adventure.

My goal is to develop a growing directory of travel adventures covering the whole planet. Anyone can use it to see the world through the eyes of a fellow member and to be able to discover new places while sharing their own journeys.

Of course membership is free and members create an unlimited number of submissions! You'll find some of my own photos on there, gradualy as I submit them!

For starters, the theme is basic but I will be making it more interesting by including photos taken on my own journeys. Soon there will be multiple themes, each with travel themes like Volcanos, Beaches, Villages and so forth and I will use photographs I have taken to make the web site truly a travel destination in itself.

Thanks for looking.
