YAXS: Another Xoops Site Goes Live Today!!

Posted by: tedsmithOn 2004/8/31 22:34:15 4294 reads
Today is a happy day for me - it is the day I turned the 'Turn Site Off' button to 'No'! http://www.lost-doggies.com is a revamped version of the former lost-doggies.co.uk web site that I had to close in 2003 because I could not keep up with the manual content of it.

Thanks to Xoops and its developers, the superb developers of modules, and the superb developers of themes, I have been able to re-launch what I consider to be a really good site for all the dog lovers in the world!

Thanks to you all, and please have a look at the site and let me know what you think!!


Ted Smith