YAXS: XtremeFreeware New Community

Posted by: xpiderOn 2004/6/28 13:03:43 4040 reads

Hello all XOOPSers!
We would like to introduce you to the newest freeware site on the internet: XtremeFreeware.

The goal of the XtremeFreeware project is to compile the greatest collection of quality freeware titles available, based on interactivity and collaboration.

We invite you to join XtremeFreeware, to support and benefit from it. You can participate of this free community by submiting downloads, commenting, rating software and links, downloading and enjoying freeware apps, linking to us or in any other way you see fit.

Besides providing freeware related resources, XtremeFreeware is proud to be part of the XOOPS revolution and has original themes (XfSeries) available for public download along with XOOPS-related links.

So join us and check the goodies available, it's all free :)