Modules: NoAh - build it and they will come... :)

Posted by: fatmanOn 2004/6/14 6:18:33 6568 reads
With the growing interest in No-Ah, we've decided to put up a XOOPs site; first to facilite new comers to learn more about No-Ah, and second to support the growing list of developers working with No-Ah.

Find it here: No-Ah - What do you want to build today?

No-Ah is a xoops module which turns your database into manageable content groups. It can be used to quickly model web based applications with just a few lines of php. Supported by the flexibility and object oriented design of the xoops portal system, No-Ah lets you define an architecture for managing your information and provides a template based interface to customize how you access it.

The complete php documentation of the No-Ah classes are here: NoAh API Docs


"If one knows what kind of web application(content) one wants (i.e. what goes in/how or what goes out|how), one should be able to build it. Heck even at this stage I was able to hammer something together." - MrD

A great example of a No-Ah built application is a 'simple' but sophisticated Project/Task Manager, now in use at the site to help manage the No-Ah project. Note: this Noah app was built by a first time user of Noah (and a first time user of PHP as well).

Sample Project Manager

If you have questions about No-Ah, please use the forums at the site. And feel free to register for more access to the developer forums. The general help forum, and the download is publicaly accessible.

(thanks to krayc for the api docs, class contributions and hosting the support site. Props and thanks to for the fine theme. and thanks to everyone at dev.xoops and for the constant support and assistance)