YAXS: [minus.driven] goes Xoops again!

Posted by: DrClawOn 2004/3/29 10:19:44 3926 reads
minusdriven.com is dedicated to the band [minus.driver].
This is not my first Xoops site, however, I felt that the Xoops system was perfect for the content I wanted to include. My vision for the site was to have an interactive community of fans in which the members of the site could play an integral part in the evolution of the content on the site. I did, however, feel that the traditional Xoops look was not quite right for the direction I wanted to go with the site. I had an idea for a theme that was different than any other I had seen so far in browsing Xoops sites, however I was not sure if it would work.

I went ahead with the idea and the result is what is currently on the site. Please take a look and tell me what you think. Thank you Xoops team for making such a wonderful program.

http://minusdriven.comResized Image