Modules: no-ah module extender, seeking beta testers

Posted by: fatmanOn 2004/2/18 20:24:40 5893 reads
no-ah is a module which can assist with the development and integration of other modules by providing a completely configurable interface for all xoops content.

Some of the current features no-ah supports
- auto generates admin forms for module content
- database discovery and auto table consume
- extend the architecture of other modules
- create new tables and fields with no sql
- site map control with spaw editor and loose integration with your xoops blocks

A limited access demo can be seen at (user: demo, pass: demo)

After logging in, click the 'no-ah admin' menu item and take a look around.

No-ah can be downloaded by clicking here.

No-ah comes with a demo application called k_store, which is a light weight shopping cart script that was completely configured in no-ah and serves as an example of what can potentially could be done with this module.

I am looking for other module developers who are willing to give no-ah a really good test and help provide me with feedback on what direction this module should take. It primarily serves as my own personal tool for developing web sites, but when I found xoops I felt they worked really well together and wanted to share this with others.