Developer News: TSW [The Saint WAMP] v3.1 released

Posted by: MosesTycoonOn 2004/2/2 14:30:34 6885 reads
For all you developers out there:
Last night we released our Next Generation WAMP: The [Saint WAMP]!

Why bring this up as news on Xoops?
In difference to other WAMPs this one gives you the ability to install it elsewhere in your network (or naturally on your workstation) and administrate it over web.
You don't have to do a complex lokal installation. The as-easy-as-possible installer will do all the work for you.

Most administration functions are available over web (except the administration of the included SMPT-, POP3-, IMAP- and NNTP-Server, which can be accessed over the included telnet service). So team-development reaches a new point of quality by maintaining only one server and administrate it from where you want.

* Control Center for on-the-fly editing or accessing components (start/stop services, manipulate status of services)
* Multilingual interface (english/german) for both, installer and Control Center
* Apache 2.0.48 /SSL
* PHP 4.3.4 (Handler/FastCGI)
* PERL 5.8.0 (mod_perl)
* ASP-Support
* PYTHON 2.3.2 (mod_python)
* MySQL 4.0.17
* Hamster Classic
* FileZilla 0.88
and many more...

Download it from or from mirrors

Have fun and happy xoopsing