Modules: Narga's Guestbook module

Posted by: NargaOn 2003/12/3 15:17:26 28402 reads
Hi everyones !
In a long time to test my modules, now it release with version 1.2 ( not have any older parkages ).
This module have :
Xoops Portal 2.x forum installed.
PHP3 (>= 3.0.8) or PHP4
MySQL (tested with 3.21.x, 3.22.x, 3.23.x and 4.0.x)
a web-browser (doh!)

Feature : - Allow bbcode and smile.
- Show YIM, AIM, MSN, ICQ, Email, Homepage in each entry
- Uses Smarty Templates in the Xoops platform
In the next version may be it have:
contry flags for each entry
some more option to public your info
and ......... ^_^
Thanks for read it
Demo at
And download it in the Downloads section ! It's free !