Modules: ChatMX v1.0 is available

Posted by: cmaganaOn 2003/11/29 21:39:54 8862 reads

Today I have launched my new module CHATMX version 1.0, it is a cool chat module with flash interface that include the next features:
- Public and private mesages
- Alert sound
- Word filtering
- Messages review
- Administration section with banning and kicking
- Available in 6 languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese and Dutch.

If you want install this module you need make Click here to download.

- Unpack the zip or tar.gz file un modules folder
- CHMOD to 666 cache folder and 777 cache/banned_ip.txt cache/msg.txt cache/users.txt files.
- Install the module in xoops.

- For updates and suport, visit XOOPS Mexican Suport site