Themes: THEME xf_11brown_2003 [beta] for download..

Posted by: zaaxOn 2003/11/23 20:22:38 4638 reads
I´m happy to present the theme "xf_11brown_2003" for download.

This theme is actual installed on here a testDomain where the work goes on. This theme is actualy in a betaversion only with some modultemplates. In a period of testing i want to hear your opinions [or bugs]. At this moment, there is still no metanavigation in the header which will follow after the period of betatesting. Finally there will be the version with modultemplates of all xoops standard[basic]modules and metanavigation.

DOWNLOAD here. Please read the following text to install theme and templateset.

Here is [a small] screenshot of the theme..

please extract the zip file and copy the folder xf_11brown_2003 to your themefolder. Then please upload the templateset wich is in the packet [with admin templatemanager]. Then activate theme and templateset in the admin-preferences and save changes. Please note: this is a betatest. no warranty. if there are doubts, please backup your files... later on i want to sell some "special editions" in a kind of auction. The money I´ll get for the themes i will donate to "Aktion Kleiner Prinz" who help children to suite their needs. In these themes there will be the original imgfiles and more... i will post more later on ...
