YAXS: Xoops theme testing site with real content

Posted by: ecolipsOn 2006/12/3 17:43:58 5565 reads
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Our theme testing site xoops.parakazanin.com now including 65 themes for test and download and the site is growing every day.
Now the main xoops modules are insatalled in the site and added some test content to the modules. We have installed News, CBB Forum, Web Links, Xoops Poll, Small Ads and Download modules in the system and they make the site better for testing xoops themes.

Here you can see the site and select themes to view them as a real working site with lots of content in it.

Now you can select the theme from the theme select menu and see how it looks like for these installed modules. This gives you better experience about the theme you are viewing. It gives better tips for you to consider how this theme will look like in you xoops site.

Some news theme will be added for you test soon.