Modules: Netquery 2.0 Interactive

Posted by: RVirtueOn 2004/12/3 8:38:00 4348 reads
Version 2 of Netquery, the complete PHP/SQL open-source toolkit of network information utilities, is now available for download on supported CMS development project sites and on the author's web site.

This version introduces two new options for keeping your data fully up to date. Netquery's data tables for port services and exploits are now updateable independently of the module itself. And administrators can, if they wish, allow direct user interaction. Users of your site can then contribute their own data, subject to administrator acceptance or rejection of each submission.

Netquery's major features currently include the following:
* multidomain and IP/AS whois lookups,
* DNS and Dig queries,
* port services/exploits lookup with status check,
* HTTP HEAD and GET requests,
* ICMP pings (local and/or remote),
* traceroutes (local and/or remote),
* looking glass router interrogation,
* data table updates independent of module updating, and
* user submissions with admin notification and approval.

If you're fed up with downloading and installing utility modules only to discover that they don't always meet your needs and expectations, we have the answer for that too. Now Netquery's home site allows you to to "test drive" live installations of each of its CMS and standalone editions. And dedicated forums are also provided for discussing Netquery's many features and for getting answers to your questions no matter which edition you choose.

Here are the links for more information, live testing and downloading your own copy:

Netquery Manual (also included in download packages): All Editions

Discussion Forums: All Editions

Live Test Sites: Standalone Edition - Postnuke Edition - Xaraya Edition - Xoops Edition

Download Packages: All Editions - Postnuke Edition - Xarara Edition - Xoops Edition