Since a reoccuring question is the search for developers with experience in XOOPS this thread should list those that are available to contact.
This thread is opened to keep an easily readable list of developers that might be available for a paid job.
Only a short description and contact information is given so you donĀ“t need to read pages over pages but can contact the person(s) directly.
This topic will be locked so if you feel like discussing something about it publicly you you will need to open a separate topic.
If you want to see yourself added to this list: - please send me a pm with a short 2-3 liner to be posted here (longer descriptions will be rejected)
- choose your category (modules, themes, ...)
- optional: add the link to your homepage where to contact you
NOTE: - The order of the listed persons is purely random.
- if you are looking for recommendations search the forums for past postings/querries.
- this list is compiled and maintained by
Bender. It is not any kind of offical Xoops.org document.
- No warranties of any kind

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