Thanks, XOOPS!
  • 2022/8/22 22:14

  • deka87

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1125

  • Since: 2007/10/5

Hey guys! So good to be home. I joined this website long time ago to understand the basics of web developement. I was a student looking for a way to create websites. Just wanted to say that XOOPS and its community helped me a ton to understand who I want to be and how to achive that. I've been working as a front-end developer since then and I could not be happier about my choice. Thanks so much for this wonderful product.

Re: Thanks, XOOPS!
  • 2022/8/23 5:51

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Hi Deka87,

That was very nice of you to say that!!!

And it's great to hear that XOOPS and the XOOPS community made a positive contribution to your career choices, with which you're very satisfied!

Of course, if you find some extra time, even if it is only one hour per week, please feel free to contribute back to XOOPS! And maybe even recruit some of your co-workers to help us in moving XOOPS forward? We can always use some help here from professional developers!

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