\modules\system\themes\mynewtheme\xotpl\xo_icons.tpl is my best friend !
i try to group some icons by function.
icons are show by alphabetical order (name's directory : /modules/system/admin/...)
I want to group :
- Groups + users for example
- avatars / smilies / banner
I can use a class like xo-index-option for that (like help/waitings contents/ new members / top poster / comments, on the top right)
Problem is here (cause for each)
<{foreach item=op from=$mod_options}>
<a class="tooltip" href="<{$op.link}>" title="<{$op.desc}>">
<img src='<{$op.icon|default:"$theme_icons/icon_options.png"}>' alt="<{$op.desc}>"/>
I should modifiy code for each tool but i dont know how.
i try for avatars :
<a class="tooltip" href="<{xoAppUrl modules/system/admin.php?fct=avatars}>" title="<{$smarty.const._AM_SYSTEM_AVATARS_DESC}>">
<img src='<{"$theme_icons/avatar.png"|default:"$theme_icons/icon_options.png"}>'/>
Dont know if it's the same... (same for the page, but the code is correct ?
And what about the
if ($modversion['hasAdmin']) test ?