Xoops as an association managment place
  • 2017/12/15 12:45

  • phira

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2009/3/28

Hi, Everybody.

I am searching a CMS that can help our non profit association ( about calligraphy) in its day to day job.
the problem is that the staff cannot meet easily
so I need an association managment place

No CMS answers my U.R.S.

I think that xoops ( I know it rather well) can do the job because of its particular and unique structure :

let me explain

we have in our team )
- a chairman
- a secretary
- a person responsible for the oranization of workshops/events
- a lot of (kind) members
- a treasurer who have to manage the income/
- a chief redactor for the newsletter

each of them have to work in its specific job and to collaborate and communicate with the others for the projects

so we need at least
- a project management module
- an accounting managment module ( ( that can be customizable)
- a member list managment ( that can be customizable)
- a forum module ( I found it)
- a calendar ( compatible with google calendar if possible)
- a text editor ( such as news?)

I can easily complete with
- dropbox ou Gdrive for the external document managment

could you help me by indicating what are the appropriate modules if they exists?

Re: Xoops as an association managment place
  • 2017/12/16 17:08

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11435

  • Since: 2004/4/23

- a project management module
xHelp: https://github.com/XoopsModules25x/xhelp
WS-Project: https://github.com/XoopsModulesArchive/wsproject (old, might not work)

- an accounting managment module ( ( that can be customizable)
tdmMoney: https://github.com/XoopsModules25x/tdmmoney
SimAntz: https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=6784 (old, might not work)

- a member list managment ( that can be customizable)
wgTeams: https://github.com/ggoffy/wgteams
Membership: https://github.com/XoopsModulesArchive/membership (old, might not work)
Team: https://github.com/XoopsModulesArchive/team (old, might not work)
OSC Membership: https://github.com/mambax7/oscmembership (it was for a church, it might work for you)

- a forum module ( I found it)
NewBB: https://github.com/mambax7/newbb5

- a calendar ( compatible with google calendar if possible)
extCal: https://github.com/XoopsModules25x/extcal

- a text editor ( such as news?)
Publisher: https://github.com/XoopsModules25x/publisher
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Re: Xoops as an association managment place
  • 2017/12/16 19:26

  • phira

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 14

  • Since: 2009/3/28

Hi mamba,
thanks for this reply

I am rather surprised by the number of " (old, might not work)"

I will try all of this and come back

Re: Xoops as an association managment place
  • 2017/12/16 19:55

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11435

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Why are you surprised?

XOOPS has been around for over 15 years, and as in every Open Source project, people are coming and going, and modules are being developed, and then some not maintained anymore.

The nice thing is that you can find some good/interesting modules here, and thanks to the high level of compatibility between XOOPS versions, with a little bit of "refresh" these modules can work for you....
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