D-Transport: donwloads module for XOOPS
  • 2017/5/22 15:30

  • bitcero

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 318

  • Since: 2005/11/26

I'm pleased to present you the new version of D-Transport, a downloads modules for XOOPs. This module offers you a lot of features that will help you in the downloads management. Resized Image
D-Transport is a download module that allows you to manage a section of downloadable files directly in XOOPS. This module has a lot of features that are not present in other similar modules, until this moment. In addition, its administrative interface is very practical and easy to use, and the design of the frontend allows you to easily adapt it to an existing theme, or create new styles by default. Some of the features offered by D-Transport are:
  1. Control panel with statistics and system status at a glance.
  2. License management for downloads.
  3. Management of platforms for downloads.
  4. Organization of downloads by categories and labels.
  5. Secure downloads with password protection.
  6. User control panel.
  7. Inactivity alerts.
  8. Multiple files per download.
  9. Manage screenshots for each item.
  10. Advanced control of editions and ublications of downloads.
  11. Statistics by file.
  12. Voting by download.
  13. … and much more.
If you want to read the note in my web site click here (también disponible en Español). Read more about D-Transport. view the demo

Re: D-Transport: donwloads module for XOOPS

Hello Edu,

This module reques the RMcommon module for the framwork, right? But now the last ( and today update to version of RMcommon is not stable.

Best regards.


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