Trying to open ancient text files
  • 2016/9/2 4:33

  • Ungar

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2016/9/2 3

I'm not exactly sure that this is the right place to be, but I'm giving it a shot. My apologies if it isn't.

Years ago, I did some writing on an old computer that didn't have a hard drive (that's how old it was). I saved the files to floppy disks and later, transferred the files to a Windows PC. They have a .CPR extension which I guess is from the old computer. Notepad and Wordpad will open them but display a jumble of symbols, numbers and letters (my writing may not be great but it at least makes more sense than that).

Doing a search of file extensions, I found several applications that use the .CPR extension for various purposes, including a free text editor called ConTEXT. That seemed to be what I was looking for so I downloaded and installed it, but it displays the same incomprehensible jumble.

So, I'm here to find out if there's any way to display the files properly, or if I might as well give up on it.

Thanks for any help.

By the way, the file names as they appear on the Windows machine are not what I originally named them. They are PreviewMetafile1.CPR, etc.

Re: Trying to open ancient text files
  • 2016/9/3 21:03

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Sorry, XOOPS never used any CPR files. Try to google for it.
Good luck
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Re: Trying to open ancient text files
  • 2016/9/8 4:03

  • Ungar

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2016/9/2 3

Thanks anyway.


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