Module for Gym Catalog
  • 2014/9/8 13:07

  • Hadesteam

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 162

  • Since: 2011/9/5 1

Looking to the directory module gym / companies. I wish the user or visitor could add a description of the company, add photos, opening hours and so on.

Adding a sub-category, eg. Cities of the company.

I hope that such a module exists, greet

Re: Module for Gym Catalog

I want too
But.. this is so hard here

Im big fan of web catalogs, i have several on xoops. The only 2 modules are mylinks and weblinks. But they are not enough. Weblinks is little more functional than mylinks but i think is not supported anymore. Mylinks is updated often but its not enough functional for your purpose. There is only one DIV for description and not suitable for data like company info, telephone, address and etc. Also this data cant be sorted for user choice in mysql, in example. Also the both modules havent photo album, this is a big minus. Also, both modules must be reshape, because the title of companies is a link to their website.
But look here, maybe you like any of them


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