I use the last version of xoopstube with xoops 2.5.6 for my website and the vidéo approval button(green arrow) in admin aréa don't work,when you click it a message say vidéo is approved and database update but vidéo don't appear in list.(need to enter in description and click modify for approve)
I think the second bugs is in relation with the first: Users notification where a vidéo is approved don't work too.
There are block problem with original module.
I have have suggestion too for a better module fonctionnality like:
A search engine with ability to search in different category and ability to class result as you wish.
For letters search same thing, the result give all category video mixed and can't be refined.when you enter in a category and after you choose a letter,the best is the letters result give only this category and not all vidéos of module.
If you have lot of vidéo with different theme,it's really difficult for finding what you want.(I was forced to put a tag system in title for finding type vidéo more easyly with the xoops search engine).
For the rest of module, apparently it work propertly.
Thank's for your job