Extgallery nightmares...
  • 2013/2/24 23:05

  • Anonymous

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Tonight I installed the latest Extgallery (1.11) on a new project. It's a nice module, but many features do not work or have serious problems.

* Extended java upload gives errors and fails uploading

* All none standard ways of showing pictures in a block fail, except good old Lightbox.

These are just a few of the bugs I ran into, not mentioning some not user friendly features like not being able to go to the underlying album from a lightbox block.

I consider Extgallery to be the best xoops gallery module, but potential! Can someone adopt this module to fix all problems?

Re: Extgallery nightmares...
  • 2013/2/25 1:22

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Voltan was the last maintainer, so I've asked him to look into it.

But as always, it would be helpful to provide all the required information:

- PHP and XOOPS version
- error details
- steps to reproduce
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Extgallery nightmares...
  • 2013/2/25 12:58

  • Anonymous

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You are right Mamba, just complaining is useless This is my setup:

Xoops 2.5.6 beta (no problems found yet!)
PHP 5.3.19
Exgallery --> svn trunk version

I solved the extended java upload problem after finding this fix. It's not fixed on SVN yet!

I'll come back after some further testing!

Re: Extgallery nightmares...
  • 2013/2/25 14:03

  • Anonymous

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I did some extensive testing with the Photoview block. Most Ajax types to choose from do not function.

Working are Lightbox, Tooltip and Normal view

Failing are Prettyphoto, Overlay, Fancybox and jCarousel

To be sure I cleaned caches in between and tried with jquery disabled at block and module level. Debug does not show any Extgallery related errors.

Re: Extgallery nightmares...

The java based upload/download feature was an add on plug in and the last time this came up if you downloaded a newer version of the plugin it worked.

Voltan was supposed to have rewritten the procedure and made it an Ajax on but I never messed with it.

Are you sure you have the latest version of the program?

Re: Extgallery nightmares...
  • 2013/2/25 19:19

  • Anonymous

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Is not really a bug... But why can't you, after changing general settings like photo size/ border color and watermark, remake all photo's in bulk with the new settings? Same like it works when changing thumbnail size. After a website makeover you don't want to upload all pictures again! I would like this as a new feature!

Another feature request: The photo info on the album pages occupies too much space. There is a giant gap between the lines. It would also be nice to have the option to show this info as a tooltip!

When using lightbox in album view, access to the comments is blocked.

When in the jave applet for uploading photo's there is no link to go back to the module to see the results after uploading. Nice would be to bring the user back to the album he uploaded to after finishing the upload. The category drop down on the applet page could use an explaining text 'Choose the category for uploading'.

Don't get me wrong, extgallery is a nice module and loaded with many features, but a makeover to make it more user friendly and better looking would be welcome!

Re: Extgallery nightmares...
  • 2013/2/25 19:34

  • Anonymous

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The java plugin works now Rodney, after adding this fix. I also downloaded the newest jupload package but could not find out what files I could upload except wjhk.jupload.jar. Uploading the latest file gave a slight improvement...

Annoying are the warnings you have to click away when using the applet, could a total upgrade of the applet solve this? As these warnings are not what you want users with permissions to upload pictures to see!

Just another feature request... In admin you can choose for the simple or extended upload method, but you can't choose both. At least the extended applet page should show a link to the standard upload page, a user can fall back to in case extended fails.

Re: Extgallery nightmares...

Yes Flipse, you are running into the same issues I was when I played around with it. It is an old module and needs a bottom up re-write. I had some of the same desires with it. As you may be aware I am severely bogged down at the moment and although I would love to redo this it is way down on the priority list for me.

I may revisit this down the road but I expect someone else to come up with something better long before I can address it.

Personally I want to rewrite (by order) wf-downloads, profile, pm, extcal, extgallery. But before I can touch any of that stuff I have to finish up the PDO stuff, then the install script. I also want to look at making improvements to the groups and permissions system to hopefully be included into the core. So I have some work lined up. While working a full time job, being a full time student and a full time parent to a teen aged daughter. Guess what I am saying is don't wait for me... ;)

Re: Extgallery nightmares...
  • 2013/2/26 15:09

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Let's get as many people as possible to test the extGallery module. The more people test it, the more bugs we can find, and then the developer can focus on all of them at one time. The worst part is when there is a bug popping up once every couple of months.

So everybody, please help with testing of the extGallery module:

- please tell us what version of XOOPS and PHP are you using
- what errors are you receiving in the debugger
- what steps are needed to reproduce it. If we cannot reproduce it, we cannot fix it

Let's get together as a community and let's fix one module at a time, but let's make it totally bug free!
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Extgallery nightmares...
  • 2013/2/26 19:42

  • Anonymous

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I have a cosmetic issue on the main page with showing album thumbnails. First screenshot (bataaf) is from an older site with smaller theme, the second (bethatabor) screenshot a wider theme from a site I am building currently. In the last case the album titles are moved to the right side of the category thumbnail, the index above is also moved to the right.

I am not sure if this is a problem in the theme itself or an issue with Extgallery not being able to show the mainpage well in a wider theme.

Could be a small fix in the template file? In both cases the thumbnails are 175px. (I am sorry I can't give the url of the problem page, as it is a none public site. But I can give a temporary login to a trusted guy ).


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