what is the difference between RSS feed, XML feed and Atom feed
  • 2011/6/7 6:53

  • connectsw

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what is the difference between RSS feed, XML feed and Atom feed

Re: what is the difference between RSS feed, XML feed and Atom feed

XML is the "protocal" that is used to build the structure for both RSS and ATOM feeds. XML is a data structure definition that allows easy transporting of information across the web. It is designed alot like HTML in design and structure and can be easily read by many different languages.

RSS and ATOM feeds are intended as easy ways to grab information from a site without having to get onto the full site. They are intended as summaries for news articles and such. They both (As I understand it) use XML to deliver the information but use different structures.

If you do a google search for these you will find out alot. I haven't done alot with these but you can find alot of information on them.

Attending College working towards Bachelors in Software Engineering and Network Security.


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